Dear Friends,
As your new County Supervisor, it is my honor and responsibility to nominate County residents for Board appointment to more than two dozen County Commissions and Committees that provide valuable insight and recommendations on critical issues facing our County. “Public participation” and “citizen oversight” of government only exist when community members like you are willing to do the work of making those a reality!
If you are interested in serving on any of the following advisory bodies, you can find out more information and fill out an application by visiting by March 15*
- Agricultural Policy Advisory Commission
- Arts Commission
- Commission on Disabilities
- Commission on the Environment
- Emergency Management Council
- Emergency Medical Care Commission
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- First 5 Commission
- Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission
- Historic Resources Commission
- Housing Advisory Commission
- Juvenile Justice/Delinquency Prevention Commission
- Latino Affairs Commission
- Measure Q Advisory Board *(Deadline February 24th)
- Mental Health Advisory Board
- Mobile and Manufactured Home Commission
- Parks and Recreation Commission
- Planning Commission
- Seniors Commission
- Water Advisory Commission
- Women’s Commission
More information on each of these advisory bodies can be found at Commissions, Committees & Advisory Bodies.
I am Committed to Representative Government.
In 2022, the County of Santa Cruz, in partnership with Santa Cruz Community Ventures, released its “Santa Cruz Like Me” report, which found that renters, Hispanic/Latino residents, residents with disabilities, and younger adults are underrepresented on County Boards and Commissions. Throughout my career, I have made a point of identifying and elevating qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds, and I hope to be able to contribute to a more representative local government when nominating committee appointees. I therefore encourage people from all backgrounds and walks of life to consider applying.
Civic Duty Shouldn’t Be a Privilege.
The County recognizes that the ability to volunteer one’s uncompensated time is a privilege that not everyone enjoys. (For example, a willingness and interest in doing one’s civic duty doesn’t make it possible to pay for childcare while you are in a committee meeting). To address this disadvantage and encourage the participation of underrepresented community members, the County adopted a policy that makes most committee and commission board members eligible to receive a $75 stipend for each public meeting attended.
I look forward to working with community members like you to tackle a wide variety of opportunities and challenges during the next four years.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at or by calling (831)454-2200.